The obstacles of pride and privacy

The obstacles of pride and privacy

Sometimes a loved one refuses help because it’s painful for their self-image or their pride. Sometimes it’s because they feel they will lose their privacy, perhaps be judged by the person helping. There are ways to address each of these very real barriers.

The obstacles of cost and control

The obstacles of cost and control

Does someone you care about refuse help? Sometimes the barrier involves concerns about cost. At other times the barrier might be a fear of losing independence.

Grief about pet loss

Losing a pet can be incredibly difficult, especially for older adults who live alone or have experienced other losses. Pets offer companionship and emotional support, making their absence deeply felt. If you care for a loved one who has lost a pet, consider what you can do to support them.

Creating a dementia-friendly home

There’s no place like home! But for older adults with dementia, home may not be designed to accommodate their specific needs. Learn more about the adjustments that can be made to minimize risks and support their independence.

Creating a safe mail system

Is “snail mail” stuffing your loved one’s mailbox with unwanted catalogs and ads? Don’t let junk mail lead to missed bills or insurance scams. Stop the clutter and protect the mail they need to keep.

Reducing the stress of procrastination

Reducing the stress of procrastination

Do you berate yourself for putting things off? If your New Year resolution is to stop procrastinating, consider a more compassionate approach (and get more things done!).

Five strategies for emotional health

Let’s be honest: Taking care of a loved one is tough! Here are a few ways to boost your emotional health and resiliency during this season of life.

Does standing up cause dizziness?

If someone you care for experiences dizziness when standing up, it may be due to orthostatic hypotension (OH). Luckily, simple steps can help manage symptoms and prevent falls.

“I don’t need help”

It can be obvious to you that help is needed, but the person you care for may not see it that way. Learn how to explore the issue by listening first. You may be surprised by what’s at the root of their refusal.

Age-friendly car features

Looking to keep your loved one safe on the road? Their existing car may not have the most advanced safety features. Make sure your relative’s vehicle has options that increase safety, comfort, and ease of use for older adults.

Touch as a lifeline for elders

Touch as a lifeline for elders

All humans need positive touch. That is no less true for older adults. At an age when many may feel isolated, a friendly hug or handshake can bring comfort, reassurance, and increased well-being.

Holiday dementia visits

Holiday dementia visits

A visit with faraway family can be difficult when your loved one has dementia. Routines are reassuring, but travel—almost by definition—disrupts routine! With careful strategizing, however, you can still have a fun and loving visit.

Giving thanks: It’s good for your health

Giving thanks: It's good for your health

You may feel overwhelmed by your caregiving responsibilities. But making sure you also notice what’s good in your life—a balanced perspective—can help improve your physical and emotional well-being.

Understanding frailty

Understanding frailty

As we age, a cluster of changes together can affect our ability to bounce back in the face of physical challenges. Understanding your loved one’s level of frailty can help you make important health decisions and strategize for better resilience.

What is “observation status”?

What is "observation status"?

It may look like your loved one has been admitted to the hospital, but they may be there just for observation. This can profoundly change how much Medicare will pay for the stay and for any needed aftercare.

Simplifying the holidays

Simplifying the holidays

Consider strategies to emphasize quality over quantity and get rid of the obligatory activities that do not feed your soul.

Handy gadgets for arthritis

Handy gadgets for arthritis

October is Bone and Joint Health Awareness Month. While disabilities often bring to mind mobility, visual, or hearing impairments, stiff or arthritic hands can be profoundly disabling. Help your loved one maintain their daily independence with these expert hacks and gadgets.

Coping with new situations

Coping with new situations

When asked about the positives of caregiving, many people report feeling proud of the ways they have grown as a person. That often involves deep vulnerability as you face new, even scary, demands. Learn tips for managing that vulnerability to your greatest benefit.

Reducing and resolving chronic inflammation

Reducing and resolving chronic inflammation

When the body is at war with itself, it’s difficult for its cells to carry on their normal, healthy processes. Fortunately, there are things you can do at home, without medications, to reduce the chance of inflammation and support a resolution to back to normal.

Suicide and older adults

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide among older adults is more common than you think, especially among men over age 75 who are socially isolated and have health challenges. Be sure you know the signs and who to call if you believe that your loved one is contemplating self-harm.

Is assisted living a good fit?

Is assisted living a good fit?

Since their start in the 1980s, assisted living communities have become very popular. But the type of residents living there now is quite different from those of early years. They’re useful if they meet your loved one’s needs, but they may not be what you had in mind.

Hope: It’s not what you think

Hope: It's not what you think

It may not be obvious, but you can usually find something to be hopeful about. So much is out of your control as a family caregiver. While hope can make caregiving easier, it’s not always easy to find. Check out these thoughts about “realistic hope” to reduce your stress and improve your own sense of well-being.

If the unexpected happens

If the unexpected happens

Suppose you have a car accident. Or you faint. Or get injured. Who will know to get help for your relative if something unanticipated happens to you?

How to choose a rollator

How to choose a rollator

Does your loved one have problems with falling but still wants to get out and get around as before? Consider a rollator. Learn about the features to look for depending on indoor or outdoor use.

Money tips for low vision

Perhaps the person you care for has visual impairments. Help them retain their independence by applying these tips for navigating the world of money despite low vision.

“I can’t get Dad to budge!”

It’s tempting to push for needed changes. But your relative is more likely to dig in their heels when you do. Resist the allure of efficiency. Instead, consider an empathetic approach with small steps. You don’t want to risk harming your relationship.

Add a dose of laughter to your life

Even if you are dealing with a serious caregiving situation, taking a moment to laugh and let some humor into your life can do wonders for your own health. Laughter can help you continue on without compromising your ability to be responsible and do what is needed. In fact, it will improve your emotional stamina.

“Going home tomorrow?!”

"Going home tomorrow?!"

If you are concerned about your ability to safely manage all the tasks needed when your loved one is discharged from the hospital, speak up! On behalf of your relative, you have the right to appeal a discharge that seems too soon.

Signs of chronic inflammation

Signs of chronic inflammation

Joint pain, fatigue, depression, or persistent infections are just some of the possible symptoms of chronic inflammation. There is no specific blood test to zero in on the source of the problem. But the symptoms will point to the area(s) most likely affected and help the doctor investigate further.

Listening when a loved one is sad

Listening when a loved one is sad

As the saying goes, “A grief shared is half a grief.” Learn to offer comfort to a loved one without jumping in too soon with reassurances or solutions. Such responses typically backfire. While comforting for the listener, they are more likely to close your relative down emotionally.

Choosing a complementary medical practitioner

Choosing a complementary medical practitioner

More and more Americans are turning to complementary and alternative healers such as herbalists, chiropractors, and acupuncturists. Learn the questions to ask as you search for a provider.

Negotiating skills

Negotiating skills

Many situations in eldercare require family decision making. This is easier said than done. Learn how to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution using insights from skilled negotiators.

Is it hearing loss or dementia?

Is it hearing loss or dementia?

To honor Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month, we’re looking at the link between dementia and hearing loss. The early signs of both can be quite similar, and, in fact, people with hearing loss are more likely to develop cognitive problems.

“Tech support” scam

"Tech support" scam

June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month. Financial abuse continues to be the most prevalent kind. Hackers, in particular, are getting very sophisticated. The latest scam is a multilayer effort to con people into transferring their savings into “protected accounts.” Warn the person you care for to be on the lookout for these fraudsters.

What is a hospitalist?

What is a hospitalist?

Patients in the hospital are rarely treated by their primary care physician. Instead, doctors who focus on the care of hospitalized patients have been found to be more effective and more available to answer questions during a hospital stay.

Sadness isn’t all bad

Sadness isn't all bad

Sadness moves us. It nurtures compassion. It can help us feel connected with others. It can also prompt us to reevaluate our lives and make changes. Sadness is not the same as depression. It’s important to know the difference.

When to use “urgent care”?

When to use "urgent care"?

You might want to consider an urgent care center for non-life-threatening conditions. The wait is shorter and the stress is less than in the Emergency Room. On the other hand, the ER is more appropriate for serious conditions. How to know which to choose?

Ride hailing for older adults

If the person you care for does not use a smartphone, with innovative new services, they can still enjoy the convenience of Lyft or Uber, no app—or hitchhiking!—required.

What is “vascular dementia”?

What is "vascular dementia"?

May is Action on Stroke Month. In that light, we look at “vascular dementia,” cognitive problems brought on suddenly by a stroke and/or gradually by “ministrokes” or “TIAs.”

Home visits are in!

Home visits are in!

Do you wish for the good old days when doctors made house calls? Many practitioners, including doctors, psychotherapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech pathologists, are now offering home visits (mobile outpatient services) that do not require your loved one be officially homebound.

Adaptive clothing

Adaptive clothing

People with conditions that limit movement, such as arthritis and Parkinson’s, often have difficulty dressing themselves. Dementia also makes dressing a challenge. Adaptive clothing enables your relative to do more for themselves, relieving you of a frustrating task and preserving their dignity and self-esteem.

What is “inflammaging”?

What is "inflammaging"?

When our immune system overreacts, it’s like a house on fire. This is more common as we age. Our immune system continues to tell our bodies we are being attacked, even when we aren’t, or aren’t any longer. Such “inflammaging”—the tendency in our later years to stay in an internally inflamed state—may be a common link between conditions such as cancer, diabetes, dementia, and heart disease.

Before you suggest assisted living

Before you suggest assisted living

While you may feel a move is urgent, the person you care for may not be ready. Don’t push! Instead, do some homework on your own so you are able to act quickly when they decide the time is right.

Choosing a support group

Choosing a support group

Between in-person and online support groups, there are many options to choose from. Make a list of your top priorities and then try out a few to see which one fits best.

Serving as a special needs trustee

If you have a disabled relative, perhaps a sibling, you may be asked to serve as the trustee for their “special needs trust.” While this is quite an honor, it’s an immense responsibility. Be sure you have the knowledge and support you will need.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease

March is National Kidney Month. Fully 15% of Americans have chronic kidney disease. Many are unaware of it. The condition lasts for decades, and symptoms do not appear until it is in the later stages, when irreversible damage has already been done. Should your loved one get checked?

Insomnia in older adults

Insomnia in older adults

If your loved one is having sleep problems, have them keep a sleep log for one or two weeks and then bring it to the doctor. Untreated sleep problems contribute to depression and memory loss.

What is “assisted living”?

These facilities are best suited to older adults who are relatively healthy. They serve as a more affordable alternative to a nursing home for those who need help only with meals, housekeeping, bathing and dressing, and getting around.

Dealing with disgust

Disgust is a natural response to something distasteful. But it can be distressing when it arises in the course of your caregiving duties. You may not be able to get rid of it completely, but there are things you can do to reduce the intensity.

Early-onset dementia: Money issues

Early-onset dementia: Money issues

If your partner has received a dementia diagnosis and is still working, consider these resources to help address the impact it will have on your family finances.

Making the most of regret

If you feel guilty and have regrets as a family caregiver, you are not alone. It could be because you are overstressed. Still, regret can be a useful signal that it’s time to do some thoughtful reflection and decide on future actions.

Acting as a “human guide”

Acting as a "human guide"

Learn tips to safely and effectively assist your visually impaired loved one, especially if they are in unfamiliar territory.

Skin care and aging

The skin is the body’s largest organ and its essential “armor.” To maintain good health, skin needs extra attention as we age. The skin has three layers. Working together, they act as the body’s shield by preventing bacteria and viruses from getting into the body and keeping body fluids from evaporating out; insulation by preserving…

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